Research Networks

Over the course of my career, I have been very lucky to have been invited to join several AHRC funded academic research networks developed by researchers at UK universities. These networks have typically brought together PhD students, academic researchers, commissioners, cultural institutions, and creative practitioners to foster critical dialogues and the exchange of knowledge.

My recent involvement with the Stitching Together network gave me the opportunity to draw on my knowledge as a psychotherapist and to suggest ways in which facilitators of participatory textile making workshops could keep their activities safe. My input was included in a set of good practice guidelines published by the network. As part of this project, I was also commissioned to mentor a cohort of PhD students and creative practitioners working within this area of practice.

If you lead a research network that relates to my research interests and think that I have something to contribute please get in touch, I would love to hear from you.

Stitching Together

Fostering critical dialogue around participatory textile making methods in research and practice. An AHRC-funded project organised by researchers at Arts University Bournemouth and Nottingham Trent University.

From Network to Meshwork

Validation for social practice art and artists. AHRC/ESRC/Axisweb funded research into the challenges artists face in accessing critical support, acclaim, and development opportunities for social practice. Led by Professor Amanda Ravetz at Manchester School of Art

Creative Research Methods

Supporting academic researchers using participatory creative research methods. An AHRC funded skills development project organised by researchers at Birmingham City University and University of Westminster. You can read my guest blog post here.

Digital Transformations

A research network exploring digital transformations in the creative relationships between cultural and media organisations and their users. Funded by the AHRC and led by Professor David Gauntlett at University of Westminster.